January 4, 2012

She Resolves...

For the last several New Year's I've just kinda let them go by without any really goal or direction for that year.  And I think it's because I was pregnant, then had a baby...and well, now that Ella is a toddler, I am reclaiming bits and pieces of my life and myself and maybe THIS YEAR it's time to do a little planning.  

There is an old wive's tale or rumor or something or another that states that whatever you are doing on New Year's day is what you will be doing the most of the rest of the year...so, I made a list.

New Years Day Dress

First of all, I crocheted the New Year in.  I know, I am almost ashamed to admit that, but it is true, nonetheless.  Then, I did a little altering to a jacket I bought Ella.  It was a 4T (YIKES, this kid is HUGE) and fit everywhere but the sleeves were a bit long.  So, I borrowed a trick I learned from New Dress A Day (truly, an amazing blogger I follow--she continually inspires me).  The pin and ruche trick:  

New Years day consisted of church, praying with a first time visitor, lunch with friends, hanging with my sister and brother-in-law and cooking (well, really assisting my sister) and baking.  I don't know about you, but my 2012 is going to be AWESOME!!!

As for resolutions, I'm still hammering out the details.  But I spent 2011 losing weight which I've been able to keep off (sorta) and this year I want to get in shape.  This is where I need more details...I'm not sure HOW I plan on going about this.  I'd like to start running, but I am afraid the wear and tear on my "old lady" knees might be too much.  So, I'm considering Pilates--but I am kinda scared of that too.

I'd also like to get more organized in 2012.  I mean, like really and truly ORGANIZED.  I want all my closets to be "working closets" (thank you Kendi Everyday) and all my cabinets to be FUNCTIONAL.

I'd am also going to try to be more creative.  And I don't mean more daydreaming...I mean DOING something creative.  I'm thinking along the lines of sewing (Lord have mercy...) and probably more crocheting (definitely more of that!!) and perhaps even teach myself to knit.

Blogging.  Yeah, I've been taking quite a bit of a hiatus.  Perhaps I've just not had a lot to say.  Or maybe I am STILL trying to find that niche that all bloggers eventually gravitate to.  I'm not sure.  But this year, I want to put more direction and FOCUS on this blog.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to know them.

And, probably MOST important, I'd like to start a Bible Study--with myself.  Does that seem strange?  I picked up a book on being content a few weeks ago.  I FEEL like I'm a pretty content gal, but there are times I get frustrated with people and things and life...and I wonder--is it possible to really and truly be CONTENT in all things...ALL THE TIME?  I don't know if that's even humanly possible, but I'd like to try.  What's the worse thing that could come out of that?  Perhaps having more patience?  Drawing closer to God?  Finding peace?  Those sound like decent side effects, if you ask me.  

Ultimately, I am most excited about 2012 because it will mean getting back to traveling with Pookie.  I've spent the last 5 years more or less sitting on the sidelines (due to my full time job--which has been a blessing) and now that I am no longer employed, I get to do what I was born to do.  Yes, indeed...2012 is going to be an awesome year and I am so thankful for all the things God has in store for my family.


1 comment:

Cat D said...

I have been doing the couch to 5k. I did it a few years ago and did it again this past year. It's only 3 days a week (more if you want) and they start it out really gradually. And before I started my knees hurt. And I thought wow it's just going to make them hurt more. But now they don't hurt at all. Also I did about a half an hour of pilates a couple days a week which helped with the stretching that you need for the running. I always hated running and now I'm to a point I love it. (well at least most days)
miss you girly, take care and have a blessed busy year.